WrkPlan helps the Controller keep things under control. Your individually configured dashboard summarizes the information you want to see, with drill-down to the details. You can go straight to the information you want with no tricky navigation, and with any device, any browser, from any internet connected location

Configured Dashboard

CFO Reporting

Inside the system, each functional area has menus of reports. The General Ledger includes financial and analytical reports, indirect rate reports, and contract reports.

  • Report Menus

    From the dropdown menus, organized by function, you can easily access the right reports.

  • X-Ray Vision

    The month-by-month Income Statement Review and the Income Expense Report give you unique visual presentations and drill down capability to see what is going in in every area of your company.

    The Income/Expense Matrix uses income statement format to provide a column of data for each individual contract and/or each indirect cost pool – either summarized for a selected time range or with each column expanded into a month-by-month display.

    The Bottom-Line Report estimates the profitability of each selected contract, using the actual indirect rates for the time range selected.